
Say Goodbye To “metal Mouth”

Technology is awesome. Air Swimmers First our phones went wireless, then our computers, and now our braces have gone wireless! You can have the beautiful, straight smile you've always wanted without the embarrassment and discomfort of wearing old-fashioned wire and bracket metal braces! Invisalign is the invisible way to straighten teeth. It is a system that uses a series of unnoticeable custom-made aligners to gradually straighten your smile. Whether you have large gaps between your teeth or overcrowding, Invisalign can work for you. Your first step to a straight smile is to set up a consultation with an Invisalign dentist. You can visit Invisalign.com to find a preferred provider near you. During your consultation, your dentist will decide if Invisalign will work for you. Impressions of your teeth are taken and your dentist will work up a treatment plan for your smile. Your impressions and treatment plan are submitted directly to the makers of Invisalign where your dentist's treatment plan for your smile is translated into a series of custom-made aligners. These are removable, clear trays that are worn for about two weeks each. Gradually your teeth will be moved week by week, millimeter by millimeter, until you have the straight, beautiful smile you've always dreamed of!Invisalign aligners are so much more comfortable than traditional metal braces. Because they are removable, you can take them out to eat and brush your teeth. This leaves you free to enjoy all of your favorite foods. Since the aligners are removable there are no restrictions or off-limits foods as there are with traditional metal braces. Treatment with Invisalign can easily fit in to any busy schedule since most appointments require only a quick progress check every four to six weeks. You will be in and out of the dental office quickly. You can take your aligners out at any time to enjoy a snack or special occasion. You can brush your teeth and floss as usual so your teeth and gums stay healthy during treatment. You can smile without holding back! There is no reason to be self-conscious about wearing your Invisalign aligners since they are nearly undetectable. No one has to know you are straightening your teeth until, of course, they see your wonderful result and then they will ask you how you transformed your smile! Bright Side Dental is proud to be a preferred Invisalign provider. Call Bright Side Dental today at 1-800-PAINLESS to set up a free consultation to find out if Invisalign is right for you. One of their modern offices is close to your home with four convenient locations rc flying fish in Royal Oak, Sterling Heights, Canton, and Livonia. Bright Side Dental offers complete dental care for the entire family including cleanings for adults and children, teeth whitening, veneers and crowns, bonding and white fillings, bridges, laser cavity detection and more. The Remote Control Air Swimmer caring and professional staff is waiting to welcome you today with emergency and same-day appointments available. Visit BrightSideDental.com for more information.For blog or article suggestions, please contact us.

